Apr 9: John 2
The Wedding at Cana2 The next day[a] there was a wedding celebration in the village of Cana in Galilee.
Apr 8: John 1
Prologue: Christ, the Eternal Word1 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word
Apr 7: Luke 24
The Resurrection24 But very early on Sunday morning[a] the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had
Apr 6: Luke 23
Jesus’ Trial before Pilate23 Then the entire council took Jesus to Pilate, the Roman governor. 2 They began to state
Apr 5: Luke 22
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus22 The Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is also called Passover, was approaching. 2 The leading
Apr 2: Luke 21
The Widow’s Offering21 While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the
Apr 1: Luke 20
The Authority of Jesus Challenged20 One day as Jesus was teaching the people and preaching the Good News in the
Mar 31: Luke 19
Jesus and Zacchaeus19 Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town.2 There was a man there named
Mar 30: Luke 18
Parable of the Persistent Widow18 One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray
Mar 29: Luke 17
Teachings about Forgiveness and Faith17 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “There will always be temptations to sin, but